Annoying Impressions
How you can drive your customers away before they get to the table?
The first impression starts when the customers enter the restaurant. What they see, what they hear, and what they feel will affect how they think. Their first and last contact with your staff is usually in the lobby/entrance area. It presents an incredible opportunities to create goodwill. How you capitalize on those opportunities is up to you. Annoying impressions arise from actual contact with your sta...
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restaurant business
Outside Oversights
Restaurant Basics – Outside Oversights
Your building and your outward appearance present a clearer image than your advertising. Your point total starts changing as soon as your guests start traveling toward your restaurant. Do you get a head start on a great score or start at a disadvantage? In a business where creating and exceeding people’s expectations is essential, does your exterior make potential guests excited or apprehensive? Does it make them feel good about their decision to dine wi...
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The Coach Profile

My passion for food and wine has turned into a successful twenty-five year career in the hospitality industry. I learned the restaurant business intricacies from two icons in the industry: Erwin Doebeli and John Bishop in Vancouver. I worked at The William Tell, Il Giardino, Bishop’s, C, Hotel Vancouver and The Wedgewood, all well-known for their exceptional customer service and their unique concepts. I am a veteran of the hospitality industry and through the years have worked at all levels of r...
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